This Day in Christian History: March 4

This Day in Christian History: March 4

March 4, 1850: James A. Garfield is baptized, 31 Years later takes the oath of office. (1881)

Garfield at age 16
At the age of 18, James A. Garfield followed the Biblical commandment with a public profession of his faith in baptism. Afterwards, he began a preaching circuit traveling around to neighboring churches on a regular basis.

Garfield also served as an elder in his local Church of Christ. 31 years to the day after his conversion, James A. Garfield was sworn in as the 20th President of the United States. He was the first president to have been a clergyman. Forced to resign his position as elder, Garfield told the congregation, "I resign the highest office in the land to become President of the United States."

Another thing I found interesting is that Garfield took on a debate against evolutionist William Denton in 1858. The debate lasted over a week, but it was said to have been a convincing win by Garfield.

Garfield as a Brigadier General
during the Civil War
March 4 seems to have been an important date for Garfield. Here's some notable things in his life that took place on this date in history:
1850: Baptism
1863: Begins term as House Representative for Ohio
1881: Sworn in as 20th President

Garfield's presidency lasted only 200 days. He was shot by Charles J. Guiteau on July 2, 1881, and died of the wounds on September 19th.  


  1. I didn't know all this. He was really a great man, wasn't he?

    1. Ya, I found it rather interesting that March 4th was such an important date for him. Not a coincidence, I think. :)
      Thanks for stopping by, Sandy!


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