This Day in Christian History: March 20

This Day in Christian History: March 20

March 20, 1852: First Publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

At the age of 41, Harriet Beecher Stowe published her anti-slavery novel Uncle Tom's Cabin. The book created a lot of controversy between the Abolitionists and those that were pro-slavery. It is said that Harriet's book "laid the groundwork" for the Civil War, because it fueled the tension that eventually led to succession nine years later.

Uncle Tom's Cabin features a black slave named Tom, and the stories of all the other characters revolve around him. A very emotional novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin depicts the stark reality of slavery, but also proclaims that Christian love can overcome something as terrible and destructive as the enslavement of fellow human beings.

Uncle Tom's Cabin became the best-selling novel of the 19th century, as well as the best-selling book, next to the Bible. 


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