This Day in Christian History: March 10

This Day in Christian History: March 10

March 10, 1748: John Newton's Conversion

John Newton was the owner of a slave ship, and a rough, that is until March 10th 1748. On this day, at the age of 22 years old, John found the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Newton's ship was caught in a fierce storm off the coast of Ireland. The crew had done everything they could, and yet the ship was going to drown. As the ship filled with water, John realized that he was the Jonah in the ship, and called out to God. At that precise moment, the cargo in the hold shifted to cover the hole, and the ship was able to reach safety. This is what John considered the beginning of his conversion, and he marked the anniversary for the rest of his life.

John Newton would go on to become a clergyman and abolitionist, and the famous author of the beloved hymn, Amazing Grace. John's story is absolutely 'amazing', and someday I'm going to write it as a novel.


  1. Hi, Amber!
    After I watched "Amazing Grace" about William Wilberforce, I've been curious about John Newton's life. Other than his being credited with the song, I never knew much about him. I'm so glad you're taking on the story! I'll look forward to it!

  2. His story is so, SO amazing, Natalie. Once you know the story behind the man, the song becomes much more meaningful. Because when John Newton says "Amazing Grace how sweet the sound! That saved a WRETCH like me!" He REALLY meant it.

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