This Day in Christian History: February 23

This Day in Christian History: February 23

February 23, 155 A.D.: Polycarp is Burned at the Stake

Polycarp was an apostle of the early Christian church. According to the writings of Irenaeus, he was a disciple of the Apostle John, and John had ordained him as the Bishop of Smyrna.

At the age of 86, Polycarp was arrested and sentenced to death because of his faith. He was bound to a stake and set on fire, however the fire didn't harm him. His martyrs then stabbed him to death.

The account of Polycarp's martyrdom is considered the earliest genuine account of Christian martyrdom after the Acts of the Apostles.

Amber Schamel is the author of the Days of Messiah series, a historical fiction series about early Christianity.

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