This Day in Christian History: February 10, and Announcing Last Week's Winner!

This Day in Christian History: February 10

February 10, 1546: "Pray, and let God worry."

Martin Luther was one of the greatest reformers of all time. He was born in Eisleben Germany in 1483. He was baptized the next day into the Catholic church, but didn't stay there. He recognized the errors of the Roman church and spoke out against it.

But today, I'm not going to talk a lot about the life of Luther, but rather about a letter that he wrote to his wife on this day in 1546. He wrote, "Pray, and let God worry."

This quote really stood out to me because worry is a common enemy for me. This year, I have been focusing on two things, first, prayer, or more specifically the word "pray." And second, not worrying. So it was kinda funny when I ran across this quote.

Sounds like a piece of advice we all should follow.
 I liked it so much, I just had to share it with you.

Do you struggle with worry? What is something that has helped you not to worry?

Announcing the Winner of the Cave of the Winds Souvenir! 

Last week I had a great time chatting about our local attractions and sharing a bit about Cave of the Winds in Manitou, CO. The winner of the miner geode souvenir is...ahem, drumroll please....

Maxie Anderson! 

Congratulations Maxie! And a special thank you to everyone who participated in the giveaway and blog post! 


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