Author Interview with Nancy Bolton

Today I'm excited to introduce you to a friend and debut author! Nancy Bolton is a part of my critique group, and I've enjoyed getting a sneak peek at her work. She's a talented storyteller. 

Welcome Nancy! Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Well, I’ve been married for 41 years, have 5 sons and two grandchildren. Though I’m closing in on 60, inside I still feel about thirty! Maybe because over thirty years ago, my husband and I both converted and I think walking with the Lord keeps you young! Children and grandchildren do, too!

How did you discover your calling to be a writer?
Well, I’ve always turned to writing to express my inner thoughts and inspired bursts of insight, but never really considered writing novels. I was much too involved in child-rearing, and since I seem to be somewhat of a helper and peacemaker, I did spend a lot of time helping church folks understand each other. Though, that vocation didn’t always work out in a smooth way! Some of you know what I mean!
Anyway, once many of my duties eased up, I decided to do as my father asked and write a memoir about the time my husband and I moved out onto 5 acres of undeveloped rural land with our five small sons. I started with that book (which I’m finally re-editing and hoping to get it published) and decided to try my hand at writing fiction.

What books have influenced your life most?
As a Christian, and a very curious one, the Bible, of course. Then, the “Little House” books as a girl, then “The Grapes of Wrath,” Shakespeare, and many of the classics as a teen and adult. When I was 16, I read “Gone With the Wind” straight through in 25 hours!

If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?
I’d have to say Laura Ingalls Wilder. Her straight-forward, honest style of expression always spoke to me. And the way Shakespeare could use words to evoke emotion always captivated me. Still does!

What is your favorite time in History?
I’d have to say the 1890’s to the present. It’s such a span of rapid change, debate and struggle. Very rich turf for a writer!

What was the most outstanding thing you learned while researching for The Right Ingredients?

Because this is one of my only contemporaries, I didn’t research much while writing it. I will say that because this was my first finished novel, I learned some outstanding lessons on how not to write!
Please tell us about your book The Right Ingredients.
 In this book, I wanted to show how God can take a fearful person and gently open them up, the same way he causes a flower to open and bloom by giving it just the right conditions.

What do you want readers to take away from The Right Ingredients?
That every life needs the right touch from the Master’s hand, in order to grow.

Any fun behind the scenes tidbits you'd like to share with us?
Only that in the course of writing this story, I experienced the same highs and lows as a parent with their first child. I made lots of mistakes, and had to do a lot of damage control and hard work to get it presentable to the world. But I did enjoy the process, though at times I felt I’d never get the hang of it!

Were any of your character's personalities based on real life people?
 Yes. Ann’s nervous shyness about a romantic relationship and her constant wondering about spiritual matters are similar to my own experiences. And Tom’s gregarious, fun-loving family is similar to my husband’s.

What is the next project you're working on?
A story that takes place in the 1920’s.

How can readers find you on the internet?
Here are my social media sites:

About Nancy's Book The Right Ingredients:

Ann’s hectic work responsibilities demand all her time and effort, and what was once a useful, satisfactory life has become a burden. Her bakery partner Susan has lost none of her enthusiasm for their business, and Ann can’t understand her exuberance, or her friend’s Christian faith. So she trudges along, hiding her dissatisfaction from Susan, resigned to a life of work, sleep and problems.
Unexpected comments offered by two different people cause a crack in Ann’s armor and her thoughts careen into unexpected directions. Attention from a young widower with a son challenges Ann’s resolve to stay safe and uninvolved. Susan’s example of faith through trial furthers Ann’s curiosity about God. Ann must choose to step toward the unfamiliar freedom of giving and receiving love, or stay in the shadows, stuck in the grip of past hurt and long-standing barriers.

Check out Nancy's book on your favorite retailer website!
Barnes and Noble: To buy on Barnes and Noble
Prism Book Group: Prism Book Group


  1. Great interview. How interesting that you and your husband were both the inspiration for pieces of your characters. And your memoir sounds fascinating.

  2. thank you for the premise that we can all grow and flourish with the right ingredients. This sounds like an inspirational book. Congratulations.

  3. Suzanne and Gail,
    Thanks so much for stopping by! I'm so glad you enjoyed the interview. :)

  4. Interesting interview, Amber. Thanks for brining Nancy's new book to our attention. Best wishes.

    1. Hi Derinda,
      Glad you enjoyed the interview! Thanks for stopping by.

      Amber Schamel
      Bringing HIStory to Life


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