When Reads the Heart with Sara L. Foust
In September 2017, I read Kelly Irvin’s contemporary Amish novel, A Plain Love Song. I am a huge Kelly Irvin fan, having been hooked by her Amish of Bee County Series. I love her writing style, descriptions, and the fact that she can keep me interested in a love story when I am not usually a reader of simple romance. I tend to like romance subgenres, such as romantic suspense. But, I love Kelly Irvin! In the course of A Plain Love Song, her heroine Adah wants more than anything to sing music and be accompanied by instruments. She loves the sound of modern music, but her community of conservative Amish folk believe singing for any purpose other than to glorify God is wrong. She learns an important and life-changing lesson. God’s will for her life is more important than her desires. Not only does she learn to let go of worldly things, she learns the value of placing self aside in order to serve His higher plan. And finds the joy in doing so. What a testimony Ms. Irvin was able to share...